Data Sources Diversity

Very interesting feedback, to amplify your voice,make sure to also post it on every channel related to sql datasources.

I’ve also sent a message to Xano. Perhaps they can work together with Softr to develop a reasonable path to utilizing this new Softr feature.

@bbelo we will add XANO API too (no date set yet) but was easy to bring it in as SQL too which has is pros and cons :slight_smile:

Thank you @artur . I was wondering if Softr was planning to do an API approach - something that other nocode frontends typically utilize. I figured as much, Softr went for SQL access to get something out quicker and cover a broader category of data sources. Makes sense.

For what it’s worth, I must retract part of my statement above, which Xano users might find helpful. Upon talking with Xano earlier today, I’ve clarified that the DB Connector is available on the Launch plan. However, you have to be on the new Launch plan. I’ve been on the Launch Legacy plan from before Xano raised their prices last year, inheriting a bit lower pricing, but (obviously) lacking in some newer features, with the DB Connector being one of them.

So, I have a decision to make to jump up to the new Launch plan, but I would presume most of Softr’s Xano users should be in good shape from the get-go.


Updating this thread as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and MariaDB data sources are all live! Xano and Supabase to follow suit soon. :rocket:

@bbelo that’s too bad Xano won’t grandfather you into the new “Launch” plan at your legacy price if you were on the legacy “Launch” plan. They could have at least changed the name :laughing:.

I was toying around with the idea of switching to Xano, from Airtable, but heard it’s a lot more technical. Any thoughts about the switching costs involved in terms of no-code builder friendliness?

Are there plans to integrate with custom APIs built in Xano? I’m using the beta Xano data source and it seems like the only option for retrieving records is querying an entire table.

Hi @nate

We will do a generic REST API at one point. I would like to see what’s the difference for you, as when we do select entry from table is essentially the same as what XANO API does under the hood.

Hi @artur -

In my case I have a company table and a content table with pieces of content that are related to a company. I want to display the company logo on the content list details page. To do this today, I have to copy the company logo into each content record, which is obviously not very good database practice. Makes it much harder to update these logos in the future because I have to update them in many places.

The Xano API has the ability to retrieve columns from the company record inside a content query (called “addons”).

This worked in airtable because of their ability to do lookup columns, but it’s causing me some challenges as I migrate.

@nate would then help to have a query on the details page ? Perhaps we can also add {RECORD_ID} placeholder you can put into the query ?