Correct Subdomain Setup Information

My company has a website and I am trying to add a Softr app as a subdomain on the existing site. I followed the instructions on the help site and I must be missing some tiny detail.

After setting the subdomain - let’s call it and adding the A Record on the DNS server ( and Publishing the app… my subdomain URL now redirects to bayshoregiftauction (.com)

What am I missing here?

Hey @LHiner,

May I kindly ask you to send a screenshot from DNS settings? You can DM it here or contact via Support Chat.


Hey @LHiner perhaps your domain NS - which is something different than DNS - are pointing out to an external service. Sometimes, people and business when registering a domain, they keep the NS provided by default by registrant. Then, at a certain point, you just edited because you needed where your hosting service is.

Let’s say that you bought your domain at Amazon then NS looks like this:

There, in Amazon, is where you have to ediit records A, for getting your subdomain at Softr. But for some reason, maybe you are trying to edit your DNS records (A, TXT, etc) in hosting provider, but there is no chance to do there.


Bingo! Thanks @gfranco

For those researching the issue, our “webhost” consultant provided access to a CPanel account that did not allow this A record to be added correctly. In our case, we had to access Network Solutions directly to add the A record successfully.


@LHiner I’m glad that it worked good :slightly_smiling_face: