Configured blocks have disappeared

@artur, new list and grid blocks I’ve configured just disappeared from the studio and preview mode.

It also happens to me, until I hard refresh the page or clear the browser cache and then hard refresh the page.

Never happened before. This is weird because other configured blocks appear.

I’ll try the caching, since refreshing doesnt work, before redoing weeks of work. Thanks!

So I cleared all browser data in Chrome and the same blocks were still missing. Mostly the newer List and Grid blocks. As I was typing this, I toggled back to the studio and they magically reappeared, so not convinced it was a caching issue. They were gone for about 15 min.

I did the same thing and was still not able to see any of my “Item Details” blocks. I reached out to support and they made an update that impacted some of the blocks and they told me they were working on the issue. And then 5 minutes later they all showed back up. I about had a mini panic attack with just the thought of having to redo all those configured blocks. :melting_face:

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If I only had a dollar for every bug I’ve pointed out…, instead of paying for this :laughing:

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There was a List details to Item details name change that caused newly added detail blocks to disappear however it was recovered fast.

Again, please improve QA so I am not paying to perform Softr’s QC. It’s been pretty bad lately.

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