Conditional Forms Contest 💰

Join our Conditional Form Challenge!

We’re excited to invite you to join our challenge for a chance to win up to $500 Visa gift card and more! :wink:

:trophy: Challenge Details:

Create a Conditional Logic Form suitable for a client portal or an internal tool application. Possible ideas:
:toolbox: User Onboarding
:toolbox: Employee Onboarding
:toolbox: Help Desk
:toolbox: Feedback/Feature Request Form

:memo: How to Participate:

  1. Build Your Form using conditional form logic.
  2. Make a post on LinkedIn or X:
    :ballot_box_with_check: Include a video walkthrough of your form.
    :ballot_box_with_check: Share the form’s URL or a magic link.
    :ballot_box_with_check: Tag @softr_io
    :ballot_box_with_check: Briefly describe your form’s use case.
    :ballot_box_with_check: Use the hashtag #softrform.

:trophy: Prizes:
:star2: 1st Place: $500 Visa gift card
:star2: 2nd Place: $250 Visa gift card
:star2: 3rd Place: $100 Visa gift card

:shushing_face: Early Bird Bonus: The first 20 eligible entries will receive an exclusive Softr sweatshirt!

:alarm_clock: Deadline: May 22nd, 12 am EST

If interested in participating, please submit your interest in the form below! :point_down:t3:

Hope for you all to join us!

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Hi folks!

Our Conditional forms contest is well underway. There is still plenty of time for you to participate (and I hope you do!) with a final deadline of May 22nd. Here are a couple of helpful links and pieces of information:

If you’re interested in participating, please submit your interest here so we can keep you updated with the contest:

Once you’re ready to submit your entry, please submit it here after posting it on social media:

For those looking for exclusive swag, the window is still open! As a reminder, we are giving out exclusive Softr sweaters to the first 20 submissions, and there is still room to redeem this prize (in addition to cash prizes for the winners).

For those that want to participate in this challenge, but don’t have the proper subscription level (professional), feel free to message me. We’d like to find ways for you to still participate and keep it accessible to all.

Finally, if you have ideas of what to build and want to run them by someone, feel free to message them to me as well!

Generally, we are here to support in this challenge and hope for you all to participate in it! :raised_hands:t3: