I have a situation where my Airtable formula distinguishes between 0 and Blank to generate different outputs. The problem is my conditional form transfers blank rather than 0 when 0 is inputted. Wondering if there’s a setting Im missing for my form to register 0 as true 0 not blank.
Thanks, Levi
Hi @Levianderson308,
Could you please confirm the type of the recipient field where you expect to gather “0” values? Is it a number field in Airtable?
Yes it is a number field in Airtable
Thank you for your reply, @Levianderson308. Considering the matter of the case, would you mind reaching out to us via chat and providing the page URL where you have this form? Please mention this thread in the chat as well.
Its Here… Click any of the list items and click generate to open a form. Its these inputs that are not carrying the 0 “Manually Set Total Labor Costs $” and “Manually Set Total Materials Costs $”.
Screenshot of form: