Comment Error: does not show in softr

Hey all,

I included a comment block in list-details, all working fine, synced to airtable. When testing it & submitting a comment, I get an error “something went wrong, please try again”.

The comment shows up in airtable but not on the list-details page. Any ideas?

Thank you!

Hi @Maren :wave:
Is there a chance the Commenter Id or Current record fields are linked fields in Airtable? If yes, please make sure are Text fields so the block starts working.

The team is working on some improvements on comment block so that it would be possible to use linked fields for CommenterID and Current record fields, but at the moment only text field can be mapped.

The problem was that the time was not enabled in the date column in airtable.

Thanks to the support team, we figured this out :star_struck:

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Hey all,

Just wanted to let you know that it is possible to use linked fields for CommenterID and Current record fields for the Comments works.

The fix is live :slight_smile: