Code promotion strategies

Hello there Softr’s!

As I get closer to launching my v1 web site + service I am interested to know how the community manages more full-featured and complex releases. After roll-out, this notion of live testing on actively in-use pages is not suitable.

I have been doing some custom code widgets and blocks which do not play nicely in the iframed Preview Mode structure and therefore I publish changes so I can test live. Also, large scope changes need to be carefully validated on an actual test domain and not within the preview context before and after release.

Similarly I may not want to change the AirTable schema on a live population but would want to roll in a new schema with a newly published set of pages or a new App altogether.

I might try banging on this by starting with a duplicated App and duplicated AirTable database, but cutting over apps bound to the same custom domain from one app to another seems sketchy to me.

Has anyone solved this? Is there any documentation on this anywhere?

