Checkboxes in conditional forms can be skipped

Is anyone else having issues with checkboxes?
In the new conditional forms, mandatory checkboxes can be skipped by ticking and un-ticking it. The form then allows you to proceed with the checkbox unticked…
Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Hi @Mygrate I just tested this on my side and it appears to be working correctly. Make sure the “required” toggle is blue at the bottom!

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 9.31.57 AM

hi there,
yes the require toggle is active, but please try this:

  • with the toggle active, tick the checkbox in the form
  • proceed to the next page
  • go back
  • untick the checkbox
  • proceed to the next page

at this point, it should not allow you to proceed, but in my case, it does allow me to proceed with the checkbox unticked if I follow the above procedure.

Please let me know if you can replicate it.