Change the colour of charts

Hey there,

I’m using Softr to build a simple dashboard and I would like to change the colour of the charts. Does anyone know how I could do this with custom code (or another way)?



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Hey @JimBowen,

This feature is not supported yet, what I can do for now is to add this as a feature request.

However, I will try to make a few checkups with the team also on when we will be able to implement this and will leave an update here.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @Suzie - I was wondering if this was ever implemented. The standard colors to not make sense with my groupings and I would love to change them (or match the tags in Airtable)


Hey, I remember asking the same 2 weeks ago, and I was told this feature is on its way. Let us hope to be released soon.

Folks, this could be done with custom code.

window['chart1-colors'] = ['#FE8070', '#DD7E6B', '#EA9999', '#F4CCCC', '#24A37D', '#AEAEB5', '#E25B5B', '#FFF974', '#4BAEAE', '#E5E5EA', '#33E4EF', '#C9DAF2'];

chart1-colors is the block id in the studio settings panel

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Thank you Artur, this is already making an important differentiation especially when using several instances of one chart type on the same page.

Are you able to share the page you are building for personal inspiration? Curious to see how Charts are being used for different ideas.

Hey !

Sure, check this out:


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