Can you create a *true* portfolio in Softr?

I do wedding photography, and my pixieset gallery is 1.8TB and growing. Softr’s pricing page doesn’t mention anything about storage limits. Can I move all of my media over to Softr?

Also: Is there a way to integrate something that would allow me to sell prints of my photography through Softr? I don’t sell much- my portfolio is mostly for storage, but it would be nice!

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I think for such huge storage, you would need to contact us to discuss special pricing

Where can I see limits? I have several other galleries as well.


Yes, you can. You don’t need to store the images themselves in Airtable/Softr (which is where the bulk of the data is consumed)

You can use google drive or dropbox to store the images and link the urls of the files in those drives inside airtable to be displayed in Softr