Calendar Colours

I was wondering if there’s a way to have the calendar line/popup that we see in calendar in various colours based on a certain value ?

For example I have a calendar for myself and my clients with various orders and some are New, others In Progress or Booked, Completed etc. It would be such a huge impact if we could have a colour coding based on status for the event bar. Regardless of the type of business most have various states of the orders and when you look over a calendar it’s really usefull to actually tell them apart without having to open each event poper.

I’ve managed in the past to edit the tag colour with custom code in the page but I’m not sure if it’s possible in this case.

If anyone has any big brain suggestions they are more than welcome, or maybe this should be a request as a feature?

Cheers guys!

Not at the moment, but we plan on adding this conditional coloring feature (along with few things around coloring) this quarter :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the quick reply, looking forward to it!