Number of Items per to be shown per page does not work
Pagination setting - None, Infinite Scroll and Pages acts in same way all of them have scroll.
Main Issue, today (30-01-2025) or yesterday there was a major block update for beta table block and we had to completely add new block and start over from scratch, this is not good if we have many tables within a project.
I have these issues are addressed soon. We seem to be lagging behind many other competitors on the market, many basics features are missing in many blocks, and our updates takes longer.
Hi @Harir welcome to the community, and thanks for your post.
I’ve shared your feedback with our engineering team. A couple of things:
We’ve heard this and are working on finding a solution for it.
2 & 3) are being worked on and should either be fixed already, or very soon.
Understood. There is always this kind of risk when using our blocks that are in Beta, like the new table block. We are working to reduce inconveniences like this, and I’m sorry it added more work to your plate in this situation.
Also, I just learned that there was an error with the update that required the new table block to be rebuilt. We’re working on fixing now so the table block will auto update without you needing to re-build it.