Best Chat System for Client Portal?

Hi, as David wrote, the logged_in_user object will do it!

In order to make it more visual, maybe, here is an example for Intercom and Crisp

Also, here is a script I use for getting the user info while using Sendinblue Chat (check the last part of the code)

    (function(d, w, c) {
        w.SibConversationsID = '60d0428bb9cxxxxxxxxxx';
        w[c] = w[c] || function() {
            (w[c].q = w[c].q || []).push(arguments);
        var s = d.createElement('script');
        s.async = true;
        s.src = '';
        if (d.head) d.head.appendChild(s);
    })(document, window, 'SibConversations');
<!-- /Sendinblue Conversations {/literal} -->
SibConversations('updateIntegrationData', {
    email: window['logged_in_user']['softr_user_email'], 
    firstName: window['logged_in_user']['softr_user_full_name'], 