Atom Chat? Or any user to user chat where I can restrict w/ user groups?

Has anyone successfully used Atomchat for a chat function? There are two main issues I have with them.

  1. It seems bugged cause it keeps randomly asking for user to be signed in when they already are.
  2. Their documentation is by far the worst I’ve read from any company so it’s making it difficult to apply what should be easy features such as a button to open up a chat to that user.

I’ve already seen the option of leaving comments on a person’s account which is not too great.

Let me know your thoughts.

Hey @dannynguyen,

Are you looking for a peer to peer chat?

Hey Suzie,

That’s correct. The peer-to-peer chat needs to only be available to certain user groups as well.

As stated, I’ve already seen this video> How I built a 1-1 chat app using Softr and Airtable - YouTube

Hi @dannynguyen, My platform is currently using atomchat.

Does it work fine? yes
Is it great? no
Is it cheap compared to anything out there? yes (they only allow yearly plans, so if could be expensive if you decide to upgrade to another solution quickly like we are doing …).

Their support team will help you get anything you need to be done, it might just take longer than you would like. I encourage you to book a video call with their dev team to help you integrate (i don’t remember where you can do that, but its somewhere).