🌸 April 16th updates: Current date/time variable, One-click clear value, and more!

Hi all, we have a bunch of new updates for you!

:calendar: Hidden fields: Current time/date variables
Now you can use Current Date and Current Date & Time as hidden fields to track the time of form and action submissions precisely.

:point_right: New action: One-click clear value
In addition to One-click update options to replace or add new value, you can also enable users to clear a value in your data.

:racing_car: Airtable +Softr 3x faster
Softr apps powered by Airtable now run 3x faster! We’ve enhanced our system to speed up data processing, ensuring your apps perform faster and more smoothly.
In addition, you can now also switch existing Airtable connections from OAuth to Personal Access Token (PAT) to boost your app’s speed even further.

:gift: Bonus: Calendar block is now available for SmartSuite data source.