Allowing Clients in Customer Portal to create a task and comment on Task created by Freelancer or Employee

Hi, just started with Softr and have watched may tutorial videos but none of them explained my issue. I have created a Customer Portal using the template in Softr and connected it to my Airtable. I have tables called; Users, Companies, Files, Projects, Tasks, Invoices, Milestones, Project Updates and Comments.

I’ve connected a block Tasks to "My Task page and it does show the tasks but I’m looking for a way for the client and the freelancer part of this client project to be able to create tasks for each other and also comment on each others tasks. It seems like an obvious thing to do but struggle to find a way to do this.

Any help, much appreciated!

Hi there,

Here are some suggestions:

Make sure you define some kind of user permissions. In this case, maybe you use “projects” as the link that allows both freelancers and clients to see related tasks? If that’s the case, you want to save “projects” that the users have access to on the User table so you can use conditional filters to say something like “Tasks projects contains loggedin users projects”. This way your users are only seeing the data that relates to them.

Then, you need to add an “action” button to the listing block. This is done by clicking on the block, and then the “action” tab and add a button to “Create a new record”. Then you can create a new task with this popup. Make sure you include a dropdown field to select which project the task relates too.

Then you can create a detail page for the “Tasks” record, allowing users to click on a task within the list detail block, and navigate to that specific task. On that task detail page, you can add a comment block for the freelancer and client to collaborate there.

Hope this helps!

Failed at the first hurdle :frowning: Really struggling here.

Made a Loom video but cannot share here

Check this video for establishing user groups:

Start with a template if you haven’t already, as they come built in.

And then this video for action buttons:

Thanks! That did help. I’m now a lot further with the development, thanks!

For the freelancer it would be good to have a dropdown of projects but for the client it needs to be a task that is connected to just the one project, so not using a dropdown. Is that possible?

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Yes. I would look at using 2 action buttons, one for freelancer and one for the client.

The freelance action button allows you to add a list of projects via dropdown to the form, and is only visible to users in the user group of freelancer.

The client action button, may need to be directly placed on a task listing block. That way, you can add an “item button” to each of the records of that block. And when you create something new there using an action button, you can use a “hidden field” to capture the associated “task ID” that is associated to the row/task that you clicked on to create a new thing.

This might not cover everything as I don’t have a full idea of how your app works, but hopefully it’s enough insight to show how you can think about creating an experience like this.