Airtable's new formula output format "Single Select" to be recognized by Softr

Airtable recently added a feature that lets you format a formula field’s output to look like a single select field. You can color the output options, it just doesn’t function like an actual single select field since the outputs are pre-determined by the formula’s conditions.
I would love for Softr to allow a list block to be filtered by this field type and be able to sync the output options from the data base. Right now it treats it like a normal formula field, which leaves you with only static/custom output options inside Softr. Other than that it could also sync the color from the data base in tag fields as well.


Thanks for your message @Xaver ! We’ve been talking about how we can incorporate this field type internally with it’s recent release from Airtable. At the moment, we don’t have any hard answers, but we’d like to make it happen sooner than later if we can. We will be sure to keep the community updated as we progress through this!

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