[Airtable] One click update with confirmation modal (soft-delete effect)

I’m working with Softr app integrated with AirTable and I’m trying to archive “soft deletion” effect. I want to have button “Delete” on details page (sycned with airtable row), after which confirmation modal will prompt and then, after confirmed, record is being soft-deleted (update on one column).

Currently I’ve got following setup for that:

  • in AirTable I have checkbox field “deleted”. Rows which are soft deleted have that checkbox ticked and they do not appear in Softr app

I was trying different approaches in softr but got some obstacles:

  1. one-click update button. that would work but: (1) i see no way to bring confirmation popup; (2) not sure what will happen after click as details page is rendered only for non-soft-deleted rows and button is placed on details page so user will remain on details page but row will be soft-deleted thus data should not load into Softr
  2. Intermediate page “Deletion confirmation” and “delete” button on details page which is opening that dedicated Softr page. Problem here is “how do I pass information which record should be deleted to that page” ?

I’m seeking for any suggestions for solution of that problem. Maybe anyone sees different approach to achieve same goal ? or maybe one of these two proposed by me above is fine and I can overcome problems I’ve explained above ?

I’m new in Softr (but definitely not new in programming and web development) so please bear with me :beers: