Address in forms

Hello! I’ve made my first form to check if all the needs I have for the creation of an onboarding i need is here, but for some reason i can not make de address field work. do u know why is that? when i try to write inside this field it doesnt give you the normal space to put your address as it should and I already put the google API to work as it should. need your help!

Hey, can you please share your app URL to check the address?

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Thank u!

Hi! I already send you the url from the form I’ve made. Can u please check why the location isn’t working? Thank u!

Hey, I checked your form and I was able to add a test text to both of the “address” fields. However, I see that some errors are happening with Google Map keys which prevent the form from being submitted. Here is the error message and how you can fix it:

Here is the link where you will find more about the error message and how to fix it: