Adding icons to list block labels

Hello Softr!

Is it possible to get icons to show up in the labels? Ideally without text at all

Solved. For anyone wondering: Added the free fontawesome pack to the site in the custom code header section. Then was able to add icons by inserting the code showcased below in the labels

<i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i>
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For more info:

And <i class="fa-solid fa-user"></i> is the icon for => User Classic Solid Icon | Font Awesome


Anyone have an idea why this doesn’t work in table headings?

Icons in list block labels can be a cool touch, right? When it comes to table headings, ever tried a vector image generator?

I just decided to use the CSS pseudo-element ::before with the FA Unicode icon code.

#table2 .ag-header-cell:first-child > .ag-header-cell-comp-wrapper:before {
    font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";
    content: "\e0b7";

No real issues thus far. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Icons in list block labels can be a cool touch, right? When it comes to table headings, ever tried a vector image generator?

It could be the missing link for that visual flair you’re after! Give it a shot and see if it adds that extra oomph to your table.