Adding a no pay 'store' without using Stripe?

I am building an internal portail for employees to navigate and find everything they need in one place.

The employee will have a block where they can see all the pieces of uniforme they need for work (They are firefighters). I have the ‘store’ set-up where they can see the items on a list block and on the item detail (when clicked on), i have set up a button to a link to an airtable form.

The problem is… with this form, the employee (that is already logged in) has to fill out the form again (name, email, item they want, size…).

Is there a way that the user could click on the item and have it go into a ‘basket’ of some sort … just like a store, but without having to go through Stripe as it wont allow items at 0.00$

Hi @Cbreault,
I would suggest using a Softr Form on the same page with the List details block with 2 hidden fields:

  1. one to grab the record ID of the URL parameter → thus identify which item was selected
  2. another one to grab the record ID or the email of the logged-in user → thus you can identify the user who selected the item

Let me share a help doc about the hidden fields that might help here.