I have a Softr application connected to Airtable, and I have a requirement that two people who use the same email address, a brother and a sister in the same family, need two separate logins using the same email address, with different usernames. Every time I try to do this in Softr, by adding a new user with the same email address, I get an error message saying duplicate email. Is there any way around this at all?
The requirement is pretty strict, as it comes from my client, and I don’t know any way around it.
My client has also tried to get their customers to login using an email alias, but their customer is refusing to do this.
Has anyone got any ideas or workarounds, please?
You can try plus addressing or adding a period into their email address. It will work for many email clients.
Ex: fakename@gmail.com, fake.name@gmail.com, and fake+name@gmail.com
These are all unique email addresses in format, but would go to the same account.
Thanks - we did try that (the customer is really difficult to deal with), and he said he didn’t receive the email with the + sign.
The email he gives us is in this format a.b.1@bigpond.com (- I don’t know why), so we’ll try a.b.1.x@bigpond.com.
Not sure what happens when you already have multiple periods in the email address?
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Sounds really challenging …
Not suggesting this is the solution, but a contribution from a work around we use here …
We have clients that provide a phone number but no email address and we want to get them to engage with our (Softr) portal. So we (using a Airtable automation) create an email address using their first name and last name @ our own domain. They never get to know of this address. We do this purely for generating a magic link, we can then send this to them over WhatsApp or SMS. The email address is used for nothing other than this single purpose.
So, I’m wondering if this is a way that you can give each of these two clients a Magic Link to log in with, and then you map a ‘fake’ email address to the single email address they seem to need correspondence sent to. Or not map anything at all, depending on exactly what is required.
Hope it works out to everyone’s satisfaction one way or another.
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Thanks, Mark.
I’ll try a variation of your idea: make a special softr-email field - if that is not empty use this - otherwise use the email address given. I think that might work
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