When creating user in Airtable, how to force sync between Sofr and Airtable to retrieve the MagicLink info

We will have this auto-sync in few days


Hey team, so happy to announce this for you:

Real-time user sync with Airtable & SmartSuite is now live
If your app’s user table syncs with Airtable or SmartSuite, any new user added to your source table will now get synced to Softr immediately.

So if you have a magic link field mapped, within seconds your new record in source will get the magic link without the need of entering Softr Studio.


Thank you for taking into consideration feedbacks from the field and spending time on developping “less shiny” features than AI&Co but very valuable for us Softr users.

Hi @Jakub,

The auto-syn between Airtable and Softr seems quite unreliable - please advise on how to work around this situation of 2 issues:

- First issue: I have a form on the website where someone can submit its e-mailadres. This form calls a webhook in Make. Make creates a user in Softr and then checks after 5 and120 seconds if the user with magic link exists in Airtable. If found, then an invitation mail is sent to the new user with a magic link. If not found after the retry at 120 seconds, then email a warning to me. In reality approximately ALL of the new submissions result in a warning to me…

  • Second issue: when I delete FOREVER a user in Softr, than it still re-creates those same users.

I can share a video either in MP4 or WEBM format (@Jakub neither formats are allowed to be added - so can I mail it somewhere instead?) - where Magic links are randomly updated with EMPTY fields (which maybe the cause why I keep receiving these warning messages that magic links can’t be found) and deleted users are recreated again-and-again.

Hi @thijs thanks for raising this. Pls email to artur[at]softr.io

@thijs can you also share your app link seen in Studio? You can do so via direct message.

Sth like this:

@thijs team let me know the issue should now be fixed. Please check.

Hi @Jakub , unfortunately the issue is NOT fixed yet. Deleted users keep re-appearing (both when I delete via Softr - and hit publish as well as when I delete in Airtable).

Hmm, let me recheck with the team then.