Syle label name left

it’d be cool to list labels on the left. I’ve been making custom airtable formulas to work around this for a while and finally hit a roadblock where I don’t know how to add commas between a user name lookup field. would be cool to say “on standby: Andrew, Jeff, etc” instead of require another row in an already tall block

I think I have been able to achieve this, and happy to share my method.

Are you using a lookup or a roll up field? What point have you got to so far (can you share your current formula)?

im using a lookup field. users can “join” a “plan”, which adds their user-id to one field. another airtable field then lookups name from the user table. so ‘[user-1] [user-2]’ displays ‘Andrew, Jeff’ for example. my airtable formula then looks like | "participants: "&{participant names} | outputs “participants: AndrewJeff”. so instead I’m using the softr label and the {participant names} directly to have the ", " divider between names. thanks

Trying to work this one out with you …

You have:

another airtable field then lookups name from the user table. so ‘[user-1] [user-2]’ displays ‘Andrew, Jeff’

And that’s the format you want, comma-separated names?

Can you not include this field (contents) in your label formula or is there an issue preserving the content formatting when you do?

I like comma separated. what’s a label formula? I just want to type a value in softr and align it to the left of my airtable feed output … or a workaround. thanks

Ah, okay, thanks for clarifying. Sorry, not the same as I first thought. I don’t have a solution for this, sorry.