Sign In / Sign Up: Success URL in query string

I would like to add a query string parameter that directs the user’s destination after a successful signin or signup.

Currently, I must declare in Studio the page that is the post-signin destination. This makes it very difficult to provide a link deep into our softr site.

For example, from social media or from our SquareSpace site, I want to link to my softr page /product1. But I need the user to sign in first. So I’d like to send them to:


The user would see the sign up form, provide credentials, and after success be sent to /product1.

This is critical for integrating with external websites because of course sometimes I want to send them to /product2 or /product3, etc.

Hey @drew0,

Thanks so much for your feedback, that’s an important feature indeed.

I will add this to our todo list at this moment.

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