Product Manager, Sustainability and no-code enthusiast from Berlin

Hi there, I am glad to join the Softr community in th forum as well!

The title sums it up.
I am a recent bachelor’s graduate in Product Management, spent the last 4 years working in sustainability (mainly building an indoor farming startup) and wrote my bachelor’s thesis about the impact of no-code on digital product development.

Now I am looking for a full-time pm job in climate (if you know anything) and will soon launch my biggest solo project yet (built on Softr).

Climesumer helps you live the most sustainable lifestyle possible with our collection of resources for individual climate action. Some resources include a search engine for sustainable product alternatives, list of books on climate change, communities, podcasts, newsletters, deals and more.
Check it out: :point_right:

Happy to connect

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Hey @softrsimon,

Welcome to Softr community. :star_struck:

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