Pre-Fill Forms?

Hello all! We’re exploring our options because a “Save Progress” button doesn’t exist for longer forms (20+ questions). So, the best I can figure is to have a user submit/save an incomplete form, then below the form block, have a list block that reflects that newly created record. That list block would enable the user to then Edit said record, which kind of looks like a form.

Now… instead of blank fields submitted for questions not yet answered, is there a way to pre-fill the fields with “In Progress”? I’ve read through the community forum and haven’t found anything quite like this. Also, Hidden fields wouldn’t work because the user actually needs to be able to answer the questions.

Thank you for any insight and support!

I think there is: to use an Airtable automation.

For new records created through the form submission, you could trigger an automation to target empty fields and update them to contain the content you want (“in progress”).

That’s an interesting approach. Good thought! I’ll check it out.

You should be able to set the default value of a field if it is free text or a select field (it might be possible for other field types, I haven’t checked). That way when new records are created any field that is left blank when submitted can be set to a default “In Progress”.

If you edit the field from Airtable you can see the option to set a default value.

2023-08-02 11_14_53-Discovery FY24_ Users - Airtable

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I thought so too. But when a record gets added from a From, that Default gets overridden by whatever else (even if it’s blank) is mapped to that cell.

The only way - no-code - is to have a form when a user fills out information for the first time. And an update form (coming from an update record action button) when a user comes back to it.
This is the only way to let Softr keep the information in a form => an update record form.

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Thank you, @matthieu_chateau!

Here is a complete userflow (onboarding use case) to have a save progress button + pre-fill form - 0 code.


This is great! I rolled out a version to our page in question. Had another follow up on the loading that I posted to the other chat as well.

Hi @matthieu_chateau how was done the loading message “persistent is loading”?? Thanks in advanced

Here it is: Clean UX on page load: Add a loading screen in your app pages in order to not see the blocks being re-arranged - #11 by matthieu_chateau

Thanks so much :slight_smile:

In case you’re interested in external solutions, fillout allows users to resume in progress forms, even on their free plan. I really like fillout, it has a very smooth integration with Airtable’s linked records (it allows the user to see multiple fields associated with the linked record, and even has sub-forms that allow users to create linked records). It also has side-by-side questions layout which saves space and makes a long form seem less daunting to users!