List Block Enhancement

@Suzie script works like a charm. I didn’t even realize I needed this feature until I came across this thread and then I thought to myself - yes, this is the correct user experience in my case (Google-like) - no records fetched on first load, until the user starts typing in the query string.

Thank you!


Hey @bbelo,

Glad to hear it was helpful. I really hope that this feature will be implemented.

Hi @Suzie although have our workaround, just wondering if any thoughts from the team on being able to stop records being matched from search until complete search term entered? Would be great for our use case…

Hey @swshrey,

Will surely discuss this with the team and keep you posted :slight_smile:

Love this code copying the google ux, but I’ll like to enhance my UX with multi-field blocking.

In my case, the idea is not to stick to the principle of google but rather to avoid that it is mistaken in the list of records. Thus, forcing it to check inline-filters prevents the choice error.

Do you think that would be possible? :slight_smile:

5 month check in on this request

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Hey @aj_martin,

This has not been implemented yet. Still can be achieved only with custom code :slight_smile:

Is there a way to modify this so that the list remains after a modal is opened from it? Using this code, when a modal is opened the parent list disappears. Makes for a poor user experience when they have to retype search words after a modal is closed from the parent list.

i gave up and switched to Bubble and Webflow.

Hi AJ. Why did you switch?

Hello Ben,

I will check if we can do something, can you please share the page URL where you have the code running so that I can test and see whether your desired functionality can be added somehow?

Just got tired of waiting on stuff and I need to create actual products for users not MVPs or internal tools. Them using the Airtable record IDs in url strings is also not only ugly and make them hard to share easily it’s also a security risk imo to give out exact record IDs. Not fudding this is just my personal opinion also I am pretty permalink junky so this just isn’t going to work for me. I can do more with WordPress than this tool. I want to move away from using WordPress for many reasons so I was hopeful this would work for me so on to the next. I am sure for some people this is all they need but I need more power over the end result.

Thanks AJ. I can relate to your sentiments with Softr. They threw out a broad net and it seems they are narrowing their focus on internal tool users (who don’t need a search bar like Google’s for instance).

I looked into Wordpress, before starting my project, but found it too cumbersome for a no-code directory/marketplace/portal MVP. Bubble sites seemed slow to me and I haven’t tried Webflow, but Webflow is evidently useful for sites if you can handle the learning curve. I just don’t know if the switching costs are justified yet with Softr’s ease-of-use, even though their features and service are not powerful or helpful enough for a useful MVP, even on their Business Plan.

look at Framer

I see this has been on the radar for the last couple of years now with many of the participants having provided very credible use cases. I can’t help but wonder if any further consideration has gone into this or if you instead made a business decision to abort the idea altogether.

I was excited to see the new list elements you recently deployed but the excitement was immediately tempered upon realizing that we’ll still have to fumble around with impractical workarounds and be forced to create an undesirable user experience to support our use case.

Search Field > Input Query > Hit Enter > See Results. Is no one else agonizing that this isn’t a thing?

Would love to see this idea brought back to life if you’re so inclined.


Hi Suzie, I’m hoping to get this working in my app.
Do I add the code to a code block on the page?
Also, my page ID is accounts-selection, should I change:
list1 to accounts-selection
get-records-list1 to get-records-accounts-selection ??

Hello @PYCAdmin,

Yes, you need to add it to Page settings > custom code > header area. You need to replace the block ID, tap on your block and on settings page you will see the block ID. Copy it and replace with the List1

@Suzie and @artur, this seems to have been a simple addition to search bar settings almost two years ago now. A suggestion would be to leave it the way it is as the default and have a simple toggle setting for “No results until the user enters values”. This should be a native feature, because the custom code provided has interactivity issues on the page, including a significant lag in the rendering of the search bar among other stability issues.

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Friends, what Ben is saying here begs serious consideration. It’s defies logic for a list view to have to surface any results before an actual query is made. Yes, a toggle option would be most appreciated.

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Hi @Suzie. Thank you for the snippet, but i’ve tried it several times with several block ids and nothing. It is still showing the "first record on the table"s information as the page loads. Can you please point out any other configuration details that i might be missing. Just to be clear, the block id is the name i give it on the top right bellow preview and publish?