Issues with new Grid list block

I would love to use this new block. Two things I miss in the Grid list:

  1. Define the look of each filter separately (one filter within dropdown and the other within tags)
  2. Upvote button within each block would be dope

Also loving the new block. One big issue for me is the new font sizes. The current largest font is smaller than what I currently use.

Also for the filter tabs, being unable to colour them the same as before could run into issues for me as I need them to be clear what has been selected (or unless I am doing it wrong).

Appreciate that the new blocks are in Beta. I was using it and was working fine, but now the ability to hide the block if no matches has stopped working. It shows the block regardless now.

Rookie mistake for using a beta so quickly, but I just loved the design so much!

@ianb can you share a short video on what you expect? we checked and it seems we maintained the old functionality

Hi artur,

Please see the two screenshots attached. I can put in a individual message for my users, so I did one for myself and as you can see it loads. I delete the message, so the block should hide, but it loads like this with the square box image.

@ianb we will release a fix next week

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@ianb thanks for reporting this issue, it seems it did slip through the cracks, but we’ve just released a fix for it. The “When filter returns no result…” feature should now work as expected.

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Also liking the new blocks so far. Experimenting with it currently, I think it might provide a nicer user experience compared with what I was previously using a list or inbox block for.

However, I echo some of the requests for more flexibility with formatting options. Currently I can’t seem to customise the width of button borders, so the styling is off compared to buttons elsewhere in my app, and also there doesn’t seem to be an option to “contain” the cover media, so profile photos of my users appear too zoomed in.

Same issue of border width applies to the cover tag feature, and also on this, we can’t set the colouring option to match what’s already in Airtable, as per tag fields elsewhere.

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Thanks for letting us know @Matt

Our new blocks are a huge upgrade, but also a work in progress still as they are in beta. I’ll share this feedback with our team though.

Anything else, just let us know!

When selecting the biggest size for “Tags”, the size remains very small. I’d love having way more design options and granularity for both Grid and Item detail block.

The top section of an Item detail block has settings for Labels but no label is showing up

Ideally, all Sections of a Item detail block can have a title (static text we would choose for each section) so we have the capacity to provide context about each section.

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