Hide Name and Email fields from User Profile block

Agree that a temporary green button upon update is unclear. Not sure why a simple success message wasn’t deployed. Perhaps too many functions for this block to have a particular default message?

Since it’s been advised by Softr to use this block for onboarding after a user reaches it from the sign in with code block or magic link, can you please provide a code that simply removes the “Old password” field. Users haven’t entered a new password at this point in their journey, so it’s confusing when they see an “Old password” field. All they should see is the “New password” field.

Hey folks, I have some good news. We deployed an improvement to show a success message when updating the profile or changing the password on the User Profile block

I need a lot of help, I am trying to use the user profile block, because I need to update data quickly that affects the visibility of the components, the issue is that these fields were previously sent through a zappier cath and it is very slow, I used the option to show the information in tables and be able to view them but it doesn’t look good.

I have put the indicated code and it does not work, is there another alternative.

Thank you!!

Hi folks, have an updated code for this purpose. Place it in page settings → Custom code → Head, replace the BLOCKID with your actual block name, save and preview/publish

window.addEventListener('block-loaded-BLOCKID', () => {
        if(document.querySelectorAll('#BLOCKID .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder').length>2){
            let inputsToRemove = [...document.querySelectorAll('#BLOCKID .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder')].splice(0, 2);
    }, 200)
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I have tried the above code to hide the name and email field (only want the avatar field) but its not working.

window.addEventListener('block-loaded-user-accounts1', () => {
        if(document.querySelectorAll('#user-accounts1 .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder').length>2){
            let inputsToRemove = [...document.querySelectorAll('#BLOCKID .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder')].splice(0, 2);
    }, 200)

Hi @katedani looks like the 3rd blockid in your code is not replaced with user-accounts1

It should be like this:

window.addEventListener('block-loaded-user-accounts1', () => {
        if(document.querySelectorAll('#user-accounts1 .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder').length>2){
            let inputsToRemove = [...document.querySelectorAll('#user-accounts1 .wrapper-container>form .form-input-holder')].splice(0, 2);
    }, 200)
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Thank you!

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