Change start of week day to Monday

Hi, I live in Germany where the start of the week on the calendars is Monday. Would be great if you could let the user choose which day of the week to see first (in date fields as well as calendar view).


@Marielle thanks for raising this. We will be looking into this

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It was solved! Thanks @artur :slight_smile:

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Hi @Marielle - how was it solved? I don’t see an option for setting Monday as the first day of the week in the help documentation for the calendar block. This is one of the missing features that would make me consider upgrading if it was available.

Can you let me know how it was solved please?

@Lobbers do you see the block settings asking for an upgrade in the bottom part ? if you update the block by clicking on the update option in the settings I think you will get that option

Thanks Artur. Good to know.

I’m only on the Starter plan at the moment, which doesn’t enable me to see/update the calendar block, so I was just looking in the help docs for this option. Is there any way I could take the calendar block for a test run before upgrading?

Hey @Lobbers,

You can start Free trial, if you have not used it yet. :slight_smile:

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@artur Would it be possible to change the first day of the week to Monday also for the window that opens in a date field in a form?

@Suzie any idea when it will be possible to change the first day of the week in the Calendar fields to Monday?