Change Formatting of Checkbox

Hello Community!

Is there a way of changing the alignment/positioning of the checkbox form feature so that it is aligned to the label as opposed to the middle of the label? A very specific ask I know but looking to see what is possible.

Can you pls share a screenshot ?

Sure! For example, a question like this. The ask is to have the checkbox be aligned with the top of the text rather than in the centre of the question.

Hey @Justin_JMP, thanks for the screenshot. We will do our best to improve the checkboxes in our app and will keep you updated on the progress!

Is there custom code that could be used for this? Looking to make a change now as this is an important ask.

Hi, so I assume there is still no solution or workaround for this topic? I have the same question but with a significantly longer checkbox text as in the EU I need permission to use the data of the submitted form.