Better error messages on Stripe checkout needed

Using the Stripe checkout widget…

when a payment fails, the error message to the user simply says “Something went wrong…”. This is not enough information, please display more detailed error messages coming back from Stripe, or provide a way for us to do it by passing the Stripe error back into the environment.

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Hey @drew0,

Thanks so much for your feedback. The good news is that we have already started working on that, and it will be available in one of our upcoming releases.

I’m going to make sure to reach out to you as soon as it is done :slight_smile:

thank you, I look forward to this update!

Hey @Suzie - to follow up on this, I recently tested the integration and on one particular situation, the payment was classified as incomplete/pending (in Stripe) but on the website, I was still redirected to the successful page.

So there needs to be an option in the widget, if the payment fails or incomplete, to re-direct the user to another specific page.
