Airtable multi-column full-text search

Hello, I have a base in Airtable of about a thousand rows. I need a full-text search within it. The problem is that fulltext practically does not work.

Model situation - a row containing the following columns:
Column A: “test text”
Column B: “something”
Column C: “nothing”
Column D: “some longer information in column”

The search term: “some” finds the row
The search term: “text nothing” finds nothing - which is nonsense
The search term: “some column” does not find anything - which is nonsense

I kind of accepted that AND, OR, NOT, XOR logical operators don’t work in fulltext, but this is not how fulltext search should work.

I’m searching through X columns, and if I can always query only as an exact substring of a specific phrase from one column, it’s useless.

Is there something I’m fundamentally misunderstanding?